Exciting News!!
Yesterday EW.com broke the news that LD Entertainment will be adapting the Hush, Hush saga for the big screen! Are you excited? Be sure to comment on the EW article and let us know what you think.
Becca has been getting a lot of great questions from you guys about what happens now that the movie rights have been optioned. She's taken the most frequently asked questions and answered them on her website. Visit BeccaFitzpatrick.com and click on the graphic for Hush, Hush movie news!
About Me
Hi! I'm Becca Fitzpatrick, the author of the internationally bestselling HUSH, HUSH saga. When not writing, I'm most likely running, prowling sale racks for shoes (stilettos, please!), or enjoying one of life's many little indulgences: Ice cream, Veronica Mars, losing myself in a book, painting my toenails, or simply daydreaming. I do my best to update this blog as frequently as possible with news on upcoming events, tips for writers, and all things pertaining to my books.
05 December 2012
27 November 2012
It's That Time of Year...
I have new author photos! I'm trying to decide if I should choose a smiley one (that matches my personality!) or go for a more serious/suspense-writer look. Help me decide!
20 November 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Hi guys,
I will honor Christmas
in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. - Charles Dickens
I love this time of year. LOVE it. When I was in high school, I started the tradition of naming aloud things I'm thankful for every day in November. Over the past few weeks, my heart has been warmed as I've read friends' notes of gratitude on Facebook. It's hard for me to feel disappointed or discouraged when I'm actively thinking about my blessings. And one of my biggest blessings is being able to share my stories with you. I started watching NASHVILLE this week (which I am quickly becoming obsessed with!) and one of the characters, a songwriter named Scarlett, says, "Who am I to write songs?" I feel that way often about my own writing. Who am I to tell stories? But I can promise you, even as I wrestle with my own insecurities and inadequacies, I always feel grateful for the opportunity I've been given to write and publish my books.
When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving was setting our table for the big feast. My sisters and I spent hours polishing the silver and ironing the tablecloth. We arranged the centerpiece and set the china just so. I can tell you that I still get excited to set the table as an adult. I spent the morning polishing silver and debating color schemes. And I've decided on sunflowers for my centerpiece - I am a sucker for tradition. Maybe I will post a picture when I pull it all together.
I think my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is the mashed potatoes with gravy. Or the cranberry relish. I love turkey too, but since I have yet to perfect the art of carving the turkey, and I always end up frustrated by the end of it, I would say my feelings toward turkey are more love/hate. Last year I plunged the carving knife into the turkey and cried out, "I give up!" I'll try not to be so melodramatic this year.
Speaking of food, there is a scene in CRESCENDO that was inspired by one of my childhood Thanksgiving dinners. I was a junior in high school, and my family had invited several families to share Thanksgiving dinner with us. My mom put me in charge of making the rolls. My mom was not a fan of white flour when I was a kid, so I had to use whole wheat flour. If you've ever baked with whole wheat flour, you know that it bakes "heavy" and doesn't rise as well as white flour. I'm also quite certain that the yeast she gave me was expired. The rolls came out of the oven feeling not unlike paperweights! They were flat, heavy, and hard. That in itself would not have been so bad (I've never cared one way or the other about my cooking skills) except that the boy I liked (really liked!) was invited over for dinner. I distinctly remember watching him pick up one of the rolls and toss it in his palm, a look of memorization coming over his face as he marveled that such a little dinner roll could weigh so much. My mom, who knew about my crush, bustled over and said, "Becca made the rolls! Aren't they wonderful?" In some bizarre way, I felt like she was trying to sell him my homemaking skills. In CRESCENDO, Nora feels similarly when Blythe tries to convince Scott of Nora's cooking skills :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
16 November 2012
Hi everyone!
I'm home from the FINALE tour! Thank you for coming to see me. I had SUCH a fun time meeting you. My assistant, Jenn, is in the process of making a slideshow of tour pictures using the images you guys have sent her, but in the meantime, here are a few pictures I took on the road.
I'm home from the FINALE tour! Thank you for coming to see me. I had SUCH a fun time meeting you. My assistant, Jenn, is in the process of making a slideshow of tour pictures using the images you guys have sent her, but in the meantime, here are a few pictures I took on the road.
Backstage at Changing Hands (Phoenix, AZ) with Kresley Cole, Elizabeth Miles, Tonya Hurley, and Heather Brewer
Our incredible audience at Blue Willow Books in Houston, TX
With Patch and Courtney at the NYMBC event in San Fransisco, CA
My first traditional English pub lunch (parsnip soup and pigeon breast!) in Lancashire, England
Speaking at my London signing
With the Simon & Schuster UK team
My lovely audience in Warsaw, Poland
Backstage, just before my Warsaw event. This is when I always start to feel nervous!
Standing outside the Lamartine bookshop (Paris, France) window display of the HUSH, HUSH series
The Lover's Bridge (Passerelle des Arts) in Paris, France.
Such a romantic walk. Spent an hour or so reading many of the tokens of love, but even then, hardly made my way through a fraction of them. Wondered about the stories behind the lovers, how they'd met, if they were still together, where they came from. Maybe someday I'll use the Passerelle des Arts in a book!
Since Paris was my last stop on the FINALE tour, I decided to buy Patch and Nora a "cadenas d’amour." I left them looking over the Seine River, in the City of Lovers. Fitting, don't you think?
13 November 2012
Goodreads Choice Awards Semifinals

Voting for this round runs through November 17th. Please take a minute to vote for HUSH, HUSH Graphic Novel in "Graphic Novel & Comic" category and FINALE in "Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction" category.
01 November 2012
FINALE Tour Info--Europe
Hey guys!
I'm home from my US leg of the FINALE tour. SO. MUCH. FUN. I was so amazed by how many of you came out to my events, asked great questions, and I even received a few special gifts from some of you--thank you, thank you. Touring is hard work, but meeting so many of you makes it worth it. That's what I remind myself when I'm feeling jet-lagged and sleep deprived, ha! I had a great time in Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Texas, and California. I hope you had fun too! I'll be posting pictures of the tour soon, but it probably won't be for a couple weeks. Tomorrow I fly to Europe, where I'll be touring England, Poland, and France for two weeks. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit fourteen outfits into a carry-on suitcase. Why, yes, I am the queen of traveling light!
To see my UK FINALE tour schedule, please go HERE. I'll be doing public signings in Leeds, Sheffield, and London. Some of these events are ticketed; please contact the bookstores for more information.
As soon as I have more information about my signings in Warsaw and Paris, I'll be sure to post those dates and locations on the HUSH, HUSH Facebook fan page and on Twitter.
See you soon,
I'm home from my US leg of the FINALE tour. SO. MUCH. FUN. I was so amazed by how many of you came out to my events, asked great questions, and I even received a few special gifts from some of you--thank you, thank you. Touring is hard work, but meeting so many of you makes it worth it. That's what I remind myself when I'm feeling jet-lagged and sleep deprived, ha! I had a great time in Utah, Arizona, Oregon, Texas, and California. I hope you had fun too! I'll be posting pictures of the tour soon, but it probably won't be for a couple weeks. Tomorrow I fly to Europe, where I'll be touring England, Poland, and France for two weeks. I'm still trying to figure out how to fit fourteen outfits into a carry-on suitcase. Why, yes, I am the queen of traveling light!
To see my UK FINALE tour schedule, please go HERE. I'll be doing public signings in Leeds, Sheffield, and London. Some of these events are ticketed; please contact the bookstores for more information.
As soon as I have more information about my signings in Warsaw and Paris, I'll be sure to post those dates and locations on the HUSH, HUSH Facebook fan page and on Twitter.
See you soon,
23 October 2012
Release Day Contest!
Are you celebrating today's FINALE release day by wearing something HUSH, HUSH themed or inspired?
Feathers in your hair?
An angel tee-shirt?
Feather jewelry??
Post a picture of yourself showing what your are doing/wearing over on Becca's Facebook page. The photo with the most "Likes" will win a FINALE themed prize pack, including a signed copy of FINALE!! (If you don't have Facebook, don't worry! You can email your pic to me and I will post it for you)
Becca is traveling for part of the day, but she's so excited to check in on FB to see how you guys are celebrating release day!
(edited to add: The contest will run through Friday, October 26)
(edited to add: The contest will run through Friday, October 26)
Finale Release Day!
Dear Readers,
This is it--the big day. Finale is officially on sale, which means many of you will know how Patch and Nora's story ends before the sun sets tonight. I'm feeling nervous/excited/antsy/hopeful. It's a much better combination of feelings than the ones I experienced this summer, after turning the final manuscript in. I spent the summer feeling a strange melancholy about finishing the Hush, Hush series, knowing I'd never spend time writing these characters' stories again. Part of the problem was not being able to talk about the story events with readers--with you. I had to keep everything to myself, and the not talking about it--well, that meant I had to carry everything alone. Over the past few weeks, I've felt a simmering excitement knowing that very, very soon, I'll be able to talk about the characters, their journeys, their triumphs, their struggles, and their sacrifices.
I hope you love Finale. I hope it touches you, and makes you feel a range of emotions--most of all, deep satisfaction. I feel a special kinship with those of you who've been with the Hush, Hush series from the beginning. We were in the trenches together, watching Patch and Nora's story unfold over the years. To those of you who came to events on my first book tour to Texas, Arizona, California, and Toronto--thank you for your support early on. You gave me confidence and the desire to keep writing. I kept you in the back of my mind as I wrote Crescendo, the hardest book I've ever had to write. I thought of you as I wrote Silence and Finale too. I didn't want to disappoint you. I knew you were out there, expecting something special.
To my readers who've discovered the books recently--I love your enthusiasm. I love hearing that you plowed through all three books in a week (sometimes less!) and are anxiously awaiting Finale. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you for sharing the books with your friends, neighbors, teachers, students, parents, daughters, boyfriends, etc.!
To the librarians, teachers, booksellers, and book-lovers around the world who've championed my books and put them into the right hands with such care: thank you. I wish I could thank you individually. I follow your example and spread the love of reading with everyone I can. I never grow tired of saying, "If you don't like reading, it's because you haven't found the right book yet."
It's been an incredible, life-changing three years since Hush, Hush published in 2009. I've learned so much about the writing process, and I've made lasting friendships with readers all over the globe. What a ride it has been. I wouldn't change a thing.
Enough of my rambling on. What are you waiting for? Go read Finale!
This is it--the big day. Finale is officially on sale, which means many of you will know how Patch and Nora's story ends before the sun sets tonight. I'm feeling nervous/excited/antsy/hopeful. It's a much better combination of feelings than the ones I experienced this summer, after turning the final manuscript in. I spent the summer feeling a strange melancholy about finishing the Hush, Hush series, knowing I'd never spend time writing these characters' stories again. Part of the problem was not being able to talk about the story events with readers--with you. I had to keep everything to myself, and the not talking about it--well, that meant I had to carry everything alone. Over the past few weeks, I've felt a simmering excitement knowing that very, very soon, I'll be able to talk about the characters, their journeys, their triumphs, their struggles, and their sacrifices.
I hope you love Finale. I hope it touches you, and makes you feel a range of emotions--most of all, deep satisfaction. I feel a special kinship with those of you who've been with the Hush, Hush series from the beginning. We were in the trenches together, watching Patch and Nora's story unfold over the years. To those of you who came to events on my first book tour to Texas, Arizona, California, and Toronto--thank you for your support early on. You gave me confidence and the desire to keep writing. I kept you in the back of my mind as I wrote Crescendo, the hardest book I've ever had to write. I thought of you as I wrote Silence and Finale too. I didn't want to disappoint you. I knew you were out there, expecting something special.
To my readers who've discovered the books recently--I love your enthusiasm. I love hearing that you plowed through all three books in a week (sometimes less!) and are anxiously awaiting Finale. Your enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you for sharing the books with your friends, neighbors, teachers, students, parents, daughters, boyfriends, etc.!
To the librarians, teachers, booksellers, and book-lovers around the world who've championed my books and put them into the right hands with such care: thank you. I wish I could thank you individually. I follow your example and spread the love of reading with everyone I can. I never grow tired of saying, "If you don't like reading, it's because you haven't found the right book yet."
It's been an incredible, life-changing three years since Hush, Hush published in 2009. I've learned so much about the writing process, and I've made lasting friendships with readers all over the globe. What a ride it has been. I wouldn't change a thing.
Enough of my rambling on. What are you waiting for? Go read Finale!
Hush Hush Saga,
series conclusion
04 October 2012
BLACK ICE Research
So I had to post this. I'm giggling so hard. I was doing a little research for BLACK ICE and came across this video. Tom Hardy's character in THIS MEANS WAR is similar to a character in BLACK ICE. Particularly in this scene.
Someone please tell me why she doesn't choose Tom in the end...
Next up: Researching fur trapping in Idaho and Wyoming during the 1800s. Interesting fact of the day: In 1869 Wyoming's government became the first in world history to allow women to vote. To put this into perspective, this happened 51 years before the U.S. Constitutional amendment.
xo Becca
Next up: Researching fur trapping in Idaho and Wyoming during the 1800s. Interesting fact of the day: In 1869 Wyoming's government became the first in world history to allow women to vote. To put this into perspective, this happened 51 years before the U.S. Constitutional amendment.
xo Becca
02 October 2012
Teacher & Librarian Swag!
Teachers and librarians,
I have a bunch of autographed HUSH, HUSH books, audiobooks, and posters to give away. I'm going to bundle them in a box and ship them to one winner. If you're interested, please fill out the entry form here. Giveaway runs through 10/7 (Sunday).
Thanks for all you do!
I have a bunch of autographed HUSH, HUSH books, audiobooks, and posters to give away. I'm going to bundle them in a box and ship them to one winner. If you're interested, please fill out the entry form here. Giveaway runs through 10/7 (Sunday).
Thanks for all you do!
01 October 2012
But I will refrain and I will resist. Just know that my excitement level is way up there.
My wonderful agent sold another book to my editor. I am so deliriously happy to be writing again. I have been thinking about this book for a couple years now, but I pushed it to the back of the line while I wrote SILENCE and FINALE. It feels so satisfying to finally work on a project that has been floating around the back of my mind for so long!
I'm thrilled to announce my newest book, BLACK ICE, including a brief description:
A big thank-you to all of you for making this possible. I appreciate your support so much! I can't wait to share more BLACK ICE details soon. I'm also grateful to my publisher and editor for championing my books and for being such a supportive, enthusiastic team.
ETA: There's a blurb for BLACK ICE in Entertainment Weekly's Shelf Life, how cool is that?!
And now a pic of me with the contract for BLACK ICE. My husband is so cute. He's always saying, "We need to document this."
Finally, a tune that has put me in the mood to write BLACK ICE:
But I will refrain and I will resist. Just know that my excitement level is way up there.
My wonderful agent sold another book to my editor. I am so deliriously happy to be writing again. I have been thinking about this book for a couple years now, but I pushed it to the back of the line while I wrote SILENCE and FINALE. It feels so satisfying to finally work on a project that has been floating around the back of my mind for so long!
I'm thrilled to announce my newest book, BLACK ICE, including a brief description:
BLACK ICE is a riveting stand-alone
psychological thriller that takes place against the treacherous
backdrop of the mountains of Wyoming. Seventeen-year-old Britt
Pfeiffer has been training to backpack the crest of the Teton Range, but she isn't prepared when her ex-boyfriend, who still
haunts her every thought, wants to join her. Before Britt can explore
her feelings for Calvin, an unexpected blizzard forces her to seek
shelter in a remote cabin, accepting the hospitality of its two
occupants—who then take her hostage. In exchange for her life, Britt agrees to guide the men off the mountain. As they set off into
the storm, Britt knows she must stay alive long enough for Calvin to
find her. But the task isn't as straightforward as it seems. Finding
one chilling piece of evidence after another, Britt uncovers the
truth about a series of murders that have taken place in the
region…and in uncovering this, she may become the killer’s next
BLACK ICE is gritty and frightening, twisty and sexy. There's a touch of paranormal. The stakes are high and there is a definite case of it's-not-what-it-seems going on...
In other words, if you loved HUSH, HUSH, there is a good chance BLACK ICE will be right up your alley.
ETA: There's a blurb for BLACK ICE in Entertainment Weekly's Shelf Life, how cool is that?!
And now a pic of me with the contract for BLACK ICE. My husband is so cute. He's always saying, "We need to document this."
Finally, a tune that has put me in the mood to write BLACK ICE:
27 September 2012
Hi friends!
I spent the past week at a writers' retreat in Vermont with friends Ginger Churchill, Laura Andersen, and Patty Esden. Before you ask--yes, the scenery was gorgeous. The leaves were just beginning to turn, and I made a promise to myself to return to New England some autumn with my family so we can be leaf peepers.
As you might imagine, at a so-called writers' retreat we did a lot of talking about...writing! The business of writing, the mechanics of writing, and everything in between. Since I'm working on a new book, one that has nothing to do with the HUSH, HUSH world, I was particularly excited to talk to my friends about how scary it feels to be back at that uncertain place of writing something from scratch. These are brand-new characters in a brand-new world. After all these years of devoting my writing life to the HUSH, HUSH books, It's very exciting to work on something new. It's also very challenging.
At the beginning of the week, I think I was hoping with our four heads together, my friends and I would be able to compile a list of writing to-dos and to-don'ts that would, in essence, become my secret formula to making this book work. Things like raising the stakes, internal and external conflict, red herrings, sexual tension--basically, I wanted a road map of when, and how much, of these elements to stick into the story. Because, let's face it, there is nothing more alluring than the secret formula.
It took an entire week, and I think I can say I am now sufficiently humbled. One of the most valuable nuggets of wisdom I took away from this trip is that there is no secret formula. I learn this lesson with every book, but evidently the lure of the secret formula is powerful enough to make me forget what I've learned each and every time I sit down to start a new project.
On the upside, I am now 200 pages into my new book, which I hope to be able to talk more about very, very soon.
I spent the past week at a writers' retreat in Vermont with friends Ginger Churchill, Laura Andersen, and Patty Esden. Before you ask--yes, the scenery was gorgeous. The leaves were just beginning to turn, and I made a promise to myself to return to New England some autumn with my family so we can be leaf peepers.
As you might imagine, at a so-called writers' retreat we did a lot of talking about...writing! The business of writing, the mechanics of writing, and everything in between. Since I'm working on a new book, one that has nothing to do with the HUSH, HUSH world, I was particularly excited to talk to my friends about how scary it feels to be back at that uncertain place of writing something from scratch. These are brand-new characters in a brand-new world. After all these years of devoting my writing life to the HUSH, HUSH books, It's very exciting to work on something new. It's also very challenging.
At the beginning of the week, I think I was hoping with our four heads together, my friends and I would be able to compile a list of writing to-dos and to-don'ts that would, in essence, become my secret formula to making this book work. Things like raising the stakes, internal and external conflict, red herrings, sexual tension--basically, I wanted a road map of when, and how much, of these elements to stick into the story. Because, let's face it, there is nothing more alluring than the secret formula.
It took an entire week, and I think I can say I am now sufficiently humbled. One of the most valuable nuggets of wisdom I took away from this trip is that there is no secret formula. I learn this lesson with every book, but evidently the lure of the secret formula is powerful enough to make me forget what I've learned each and every time I sit down to start a new project.
On the upside, I am now 200 pages into my new book, which I hope to be able to talk more about very, very soon.
Angel's Night Out
Hey, all!
I am so thrilled to announce that the LOVE HAS NO FINALE tour will kick off at the Provo Library in Provo, Utah. I had such a fabulous event there last year and can't wait to return. Thanks for making me feel so welcome!
The FINALE launch party will be Tuesday, October 23, in the Provo Library Ballroom. This is not going to be an ordinary book party - it's Angel's Night Out! Which means mocktails and hors d'oeuvre served by fallen angels, a chance to get your photo taken with Patch (a.k.a. cover model Drew), door prizes, FINALE swag, and book signings with me, Elizabeth Miles, Tonya Hurley and Kresley Cole.
Tickets are $5 and must be purchased in advance. Tickets will be available to all interested patrons beginning Saturday, October 13. Please contact the Provo Library for more information. www.provolibrary.com
This is going to be the coolest launch party. No bias ;)
And, YES, I will be dressing up fancy!
I am so thrilled to announce that the LOVE HAS NO FINALE tour will kick off at the Provo Library in Provo, Utah. I had such a fabulous event there last year and can't wait to return. Thanks for making me feel so welcome!
The FINALE launch party will be Tuesday, October 23, in the Provo Library Ballroom. This is not going to be an ordinary book party - it's Angel's Night Out! Which means mocktails and hors d'oeuvre served by fallen angels, a chance to get your photo taken with Patch (a.k.a. cover model Drew), door prizes, FINALE swag, and book signings with me, Elizabeth Miles, Tonya Hurley and Kresley Cole.
Tickets are $5 and must be purchased in advance. Tickets will be available to all interested patrons beginning Saturday, October 13. Please contact the Provo Library for more information. www.provolibrary.com
This is going to be the coolest launch party. No bias ;)
And, YES, I will be dressing up fancy!
21 September 2012
This week has been great! I hope you have enjoyed the FINALE blog tour excerpts.
You can access today's excerpt by clicking the graphic below. You'll have to work a little for this one, but don't worry this is FUN!
And, because who doesn't like a contest? Enter for your chance to win a great prize pack!
Answer a question about each excerpt for a chance to win an awesome prize pack! (Contest is open through September 23rd. One prize US and one International winner will be chosen)
finale reveal,
love has no finale blog tour
15 September 2012
FINALE Chapter Reveal
Exciting News!!!
You may already know that Becca will be embarking on the LOVE HAS NO FINALE tour in October. But we are really excited to announce the Love Has No FINALE Blog Tour! Starting Monday a sneak peek of FINALE will be posted at one of the blog tour stops (see below) each day, with the final excerpt being posted on BeccaFitzpatrick.com on Friday.
Please help to spread the word on Facebook, Twitter (use #FinaleReveal) and any other way you can.
Can't wait for you all to read it!!
09 September 2012
08 September 2012
Do you wanna CHAT?
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! AND hope this makes it even better ;-)
Becca and Drew Doyon (Patch cover model) will be doing a live chat/Q&A on FallenArchangel this Sunday night (September 9) from 9-10 PM Eastern Time (same time zone as NYC) Becca will be making some announcements and answering as many questions as she can.
Please help to spread the news and get your questions ready!
Becca and Drew Doyon (Patch cover model) will be doing a live chat/Q&A on FallenArchangel this Sunday night (September 9) from 9-10 PM Eastern Time (same time zone as NYC) Becca will be making some announcements and answering as many questions as she can.
Please help to spread the news and get your questions ready!
22 August 2012
When I dropped my first grader off at school this morning, I noticed a poster hanging on the classroom wall. The message was straightforward and succinct. Bullying hurts. At the reminder, I felt that clutch of fear all parents do, knowing that bullying is something my children--all children--will face. And then I felt grateful that my kids' teachers are doing something to educate their classes about it. Finally, it made me stop and evaluate my own behavior. Have I ever said something hurtful about another person? What am I going to do to make sure it doesn't happen again?
Here's what the poster said:
Unfortunately, bullying isn't something only first graders have to face. It exists in every stage of life. Recongizing it is part of the equation. But having the courage to stand up to it is vital. Courage never hurts anyone. Courage never makes you a smaller person.
Bullying hurts...
But it can be stopped.
Here's what the poster said:
- Leaves someone out on purpose
- Wants to hurt someone's feelings
- Says or writes unkind things about someone
- Says or writes untrue things about someone
- Ignore them
- Make a new friend
- Say something kind about someone
- Tell a teacher, friend, or parent
Unfortunately, bullying isn't something only first graders have to face. It exists in every stage of life. Recongizing it is part of the equation. But having the courage to stand up to it is vital. Courage never hurts anyone. Courage never makes you a smaller person.
Bullying hurts...
But it can be stopped.
16 August 2012
US Fans - Enter to Win a T-Shirt & Poster!
Simon & Schuster (Becca's publisher) is hosting an AMAZING giveaway! Enter here for a chance to win an exclusive limited edition Patch t-shirt and FINALE poster!! Contest ends on August 24th and is open to US mailing addresses only.
11 August 2012
Happy Saturday!
A few of you have asked (mostly on Twitter) about my triathlon. I'll post pics as soon as my little sister (and cheerleader) sends them my way. But for now, I will say I survived (obviously!) and I'm really happy I did it. My time was average, but my fun-factor was excellent. Too bad they don't measure the fun-factor. I think I would have won!
Last night was boys' night out at our home (laser tag, fast food, and Ice Age), so I was left to my own devices. I did a little writing on a new project not related to the HUSH, HUSH series, bought some adorable Betsy Johnson frog earrings, started season six of GILMORE GIRLS, and did some Internet reading. I came across a couple interesting and writing-related things, and thought I'd share.
First, if you are a mother and a writer and constantly asking yourself, "How will I ever be able to do this?" I'd really recommend you check this out. I'd loved these women's books when I was younger, and I love their advice now that I'm older.
And Janet Reid on A New Rule for Authors: Be Positive. Chin up!
Finally, these are the frog earrings!! Are they not the cutest? I pierced my ears for the first time eight weeks ago, and I'm having a little too much fun accessorizing my ears. So far I have lady bugs, giraffes, and now frogs. Just what I would have bought had a pierced my ears at eight, like every other girl in the world.
A few of you have asked (mostly on Twitter) about my triathlon. I'll post pics as soon as my little sister (and cheerleader) sends them my way. But for now, I will say I survived (obviously!) and I'm really happy I did it. My time was average, but my fun-factor was excellent. Too bad they don't measure the fun-factor. I think I would have won!
Last night was boys' night out at our home (laser tag, fast food, and Ice Age), so I was left to my own devices. I did a little writing on a new project not related to the HUSH, HUSH series, bought some adorable Betsy Johnson frog earrings, started season six of GILMORE GIRLS, and did some Internet reading. I came across a couple interesting and writing-related things, and thought I'd share.
First, if you are a mother and a writer and constantly asking yourself, "How will I ever be able to do this?" I'd really recommend you check this out. I'd loved these women's books when I was younger, and I love their advice now that I'm older.
And Janet Reid on A New Rule for Authors: Be Positive. Chin up!
Finally, these are the frog earrings!! Are they not the cutest? I pierced my ears for the first time eight weeks ago, and I'm having a little too much fun accessorizing my ears. So far I have lady bugs, giraffes, and now frogs. Just what I would have bought had a pierced my ears at eight, like every other girl in the world.
08 August 2012
Books And Tours and Stuff, Oh My!
Hey guys!
A couple first-y things:
1. I am so thrilled and honored and humbled that HUSH, HUSH has made NPR's 100 Best-Ever Teen Novels. So many of my favorite childhood books are on the list, including ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, THE OUTSIDERS, LORD OF THE FLIES, and THE LAST UNICORN. It feels incredible to be included with books that meant so much to me then, that mean so much to me now. Here's a link to the full list.
2. Speaking of awesome awards, HUSH, HUSH won the North Carolina Young Adult Book Award! Thank you, thank you to the teens from N.C. who voted for HUSH, HUSH. Awards like this--where teens are the judges!--mean the world to me. It's so cool knowing the book resonates with you.
3. Today my editor shared with me the initial script for the FINALE book trailer. You guys. It is so cool. There are so many juicy clues about the storyline and, in a way, I think the trailer is going to be a mini movie in itself! I can't wait to see it. I can't wait to share it!
4. A little more FINALE news. My ed sent over posters yesterday that I'll be giving away on tour at my events. The posters are so glam! And sexy. And dark. And, yes, those famous black jeans of Patch's are on it...
Okay, now...tour news! U.S. tour news to be exact. I mentioned a while ago that this year's tour would be shorter (I was gone 29 straight days last year!) and I apologize in advance if I'm not visiting your state. If you're close to any of my tour stops, I hope you'll come out and see me. I promise we're going to have lots of fun and I'm so very excited to meet you, answer your questions, and sign your books! One more thing to keep in mind - my publisher decides which cities and stores I visit, NOT me. If I had infinite time, I would visit you all!
As details become more cemented, I'll be sure to post store names, addresses, and event times. Also, I'm going on tour with other authors (love!) so I'll be posting that info too. It is going to be GOOD TIMES.
A couple first-y things:
1. I am so thrilled and honored and humbled that HUSH, HUSH has made NPR's 100 Best-Ever Teen Novels. So many of my favorite childhood books are on the list, including ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, THE OUTSIDERS, LORD OF THE FLIES, and THE LAST UNICORN. It feels incredible to be included with books that meant so much to me then, that mean so much to me now. Here's a link to the full list.
2. Speaking of awesome awards, HUSH, HUSH won the North Carolina Young Adult Book Award! Thank you, thank you to the teens from N.C. who voted for HUSH, HUSH. Awards like this--where teens are the judges!--mean the world to me. It's so cool knowing the book resonates with you.
3. Today my editor shared with me the initial script for the FINALE book trailer. You guys. It is so cool. There are so many juicy clues about the storyline and, in a way, I think the trailer is going to be a mini movie in itself! I can't wait to see it. I can't wait to share it!
4. A little more FINALE news. My ed sent over posters yesterday that I'll be giving away on tour at my events. The posters are so glam! And sexy. And dark. And, yes, those famous black jeans of Patch's are on it...
Okay, now...tour news! U.S. tour news to be exact. I mentioned a while ago that this year's tour would be shorter (I was gone 29 straight days last year!) and I apologize in advance if I'm not visiting your state. If you're close to any of my tour stops, I hope you'll come out and see me. I promise we're going to have lots of fun and I'm so very excited to meet you, answer your questions, and sign your books! One more thing to keep in mind - my publisher decides which cities and stores I visit, NOT me. If I had infinite time, I would visit you all!
October 23 – Provo City Library (Provo, UT)
October 24 – Changing Hands (Tempe, AZ)
October 25 – Portland B&N (Portland, OR)
October 26 – Blue Willow Bookstore (Houston, TX)
October 27 – 28 – Texas Book Festival (Austin, TX)
October 29 - Books Inc (San Francisco, CA)
October 29 - Books Inc (San Francisco, CA)
30 July 2012
YA Crush Round #2 TODAY!
Patch is competing in round 2 of the YA Crush Tournament today. He's facing a touch challenger and needs your help! Please vote for him from all of your devices and ask your friends, family, neighbors, mailman :-) to as well.
As an incentive to vote, Becca has generously said that if Patch gets 1,500 votes she will donate $500 to Kids Need to Read and if he gets 2,000 she will donate another $500. Give your favorite bad boy your vote AND help kids get books. Now that is win win! Vote here! UPDATE: Thanks to all of the amazing fans who have voted for Patch, he has surpassed both 1,500 and 2,000 votes!! Thank YOU!!
A few important tidbits....
Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes is Patch's Advocate and she is doing an amazing job! Be sure to stop by her blog today to read her interview with Nora and a few other HUSH, HUSH peeps as well.
Some super fans have stepped up to make some avatars, and I think you guys are going to love them. (See one of them above) You can find them here, feel free to use them especially today! (check back for new ones throughout the day)
As an incentive to vote, Becca has generously said that if Patch gets 1,500 votes she will donate $500 to Kids Need to Read and if he gets 2,000 she will donate another $500. Give your favorite bad boy your vote AND help kids get books. Now that is win win! Vote here! UPDATE: Thanks to all of the amazing fans who have voted for Patch, he has surpassed both 1,500 and 2,000 votes!! Thank YOU!!
A few important tidbits....
Jen from Jenuine Cupcakes is Patch's Advocate and she is doing an amazing job! Be sure to stop by her blog today to read her interview with Nora and a few other HUSH, HUSH peeps as well.
Some super fans have stepped up to make some avatars, and I think you guys are going to love them. (See one of them above) You can find them here, feel free to use them especially today! (check back for new ones throughout the day)
29 July 2012
Love Has No FINALE Tour
Hi, all!
A tiny bit of info on my upcoming U.S. tour. First, it has a title! I don't think any of my previous tours have had official names. But I'm proud to say this October's tour will be called...
Drew Doyon, the cover model who portrays Patch, will be joining me on tour. I suppose this means I can no longer tell stories about him during my presentations. You'll miss out on the anecdotes, but you will get to talk to Drew in person. My publisher is taking into account your opinion as they decide which city Drew/Patch will visit. In the running are Provo, UT, Phoenix, AZ, Portland, OR, Houston, TX, and San Fransisco, CA. Please take a moment to cast your vote.
See you in October!
A tiny bit of info on my upcoming U.S. tour. First, it has a title! I don't think any of my previous tours have had official names. But I'm proud to say this October's tour will be called...
Love Has No FINALE tour!
Drew Doyon, the cover model who portrays Patch, will be joining me on tour. I suppose this means I can no longer tell stories about him during my presentations. You'll miss out on the anecdotes, but you will get to talk to Drew in person. My publisher is taking into account your opinion as they decide which city Drew/Patch will visit. In the running are Provo, UT, Phoenix, AZ, Portland, OR, Houston, TX, and San Fransisco, CA. Please take a moment to cast your vote.
See you in October!
17 July 2012
UK Tour!
Hey guys!
I announced a few UK FINALE tour events on Twitter this morning, but here is the info in one nice, tidy place. As always, please keep in mind that my publisher chooses where to send me - so please don't be angry at me if I'm not visiting your part of the country! Be angry at them, ha! ;)
Without further ado...I will be in the UK doing book signings November 4th - 7th. A few events are still being sorted out, but these are the two events that I know about for certain.
Also, I am totally expecting to see sheep like this when I visit! (Photo courtesy of my UK publicist, Kat.)
This event is ticketed. To book or for more information about availability, please call 02078512400 or email events@piccadilly.waterstones.co.uk. Tickets are £5/£3 for Waterstone’s Loyalty Card holders.
No ticket required. For more information visit http://www.whsmith.co.uk/Support/InStoreSignings.aspx .
I announced a few UK FINALE tour events on Twitter this morning, but here is the info in one nice, tidy place. As always, please keep in mind that my publisher chooses where to send me - so please don't be angry at me if I'm not visiting your part of the country! Be angry at them, ha! ;)
Without further ado...I will be in the UK doing book signings November 4th - 7th. A few events are still being sorted out, but these are the two events that I know about for certain.
Also, I am totally expecting to see sheep like this when I visit! (Photo courtesy of my UK publicist, Kat.)
Sunday 4th November
Public signing – 12pm
93-97 Albion Street
City Centre,
Leeds LS1 5AP
To book or for more information about the event, please call 0113 2444588.
Wednesday 7th November
Evening talk and signing – 6.30pm
203-206 Piccadilly
Sunday 4th November
Public signing - 3pm
45 High Street
Meadowhall Shopping Centre
S9 1ENNo ticket required. For more information visit http://www.whsmith.co.uk/
Writing Conflict
First thing this morning, I went outside to water my garden. It's not a very big garden. Keep that in mind when I tell you that there were six (SIX!) bunnies inside it merrily eating away. After I chased them off, I started thinking about one of my boys' favorite picture books, MUNCHA, MUNCHA, MUNCHA by Candace Fleming. My boys used to giggle every time I read it out loud. At first I thought they were laughing at the way I would boom, "Muncha, muncha, muncha!" But they finally told me the truth: they laughed because it was hilarious to watch the bunnies and Mr. McGreely fight over the garden. In the story, both the bunnies and Mr. McGreely want the same thing: to eat the tasty vegetables. Who wins? You'll have to read the book to find out. But I will say this: great story conflict happens when the main character and the main opponent want the same thing.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, as I've started plotting my next book. Often, writers and readers alike say, "The middle of the book sagged." I think saggy middles can be avoided by creating a suspenseful tug-of-war between the protagonist and antagonist. I'm still learning how to execute this plotting device in my own stories, but the more I study other books, I think there is great storytelling wisdom in driving the protagonist and antagonist toward the same goal.
As an example, I'll fall back on one of my favorite stories: Romancing the Stone. (You know by now just how much I love this movie, right?) In the movie, Joan Wilder wants the treasure map so she can exchange it for her sister, who is being held by bad guys. Jack, her main opponent, also wants the treasure map. Only, he wants it because he wants money to buy a boat and sail around the world. We can also throw in the bad guys here. They want the treasure map because they, too, want to be filthy rich. Anyway, back and forth Joan and Jack go--each desperately trying to maintain control of the treasure map. I won't ruin the rest of the story for you, but the middle of the movie is anything but saggy as our hero and heroine struggle to reach their goal.
If you're looking for a way to put tension into your stories, I suggest trying this device. I'm using it right now, and while I'm only in the planning stages of my next novel, giving my heroine and her main opponent the same goal is building the foundation for lots of exciting conflict and character growth.
Happy writing!
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, as I've started plotting my next book. Often, writers and readers alike say, "The middle of the book sagged." I think saggy middles can be avoided by creating a suspenseful tug-of-war between the protagonist and antagonist. I'm still learning how to execute this plotting device in my own stories, but the more I study other books, I think there is great storytelling wisdom in driving the protagonist and antagonist toward the same goal.
As an example, I'll fall back on one of my favorite stories: Romancing the Stone. (You know by now just how much I love this movie, right?) In the movie, Joan Wilder wants the treasure map so she can exchange it for her sister, who is being held by bad guys. Jack, her main opponent, also wants the treasure map. Only, he wants it because he wants money to buy a boat and sail around the world. We can also throw in the bad guys here. They want the treasure map because they, too, want to be filthy rich. Anyway, back and forth Joan and Jack go--each desperately trying to maintain control of the treasure map. I won't ruin the rest of the story for you, but the middle of the movie is anything but saggy as our hero and heroine struggle to reach their goal.
If you're looking for a way to put tension into your stories, I suggest trying this device. I'm using it right now, and while I'm only in the planning stages of my next novel, giving my heroine and her main opponent the same goal is building the foundation for lots of exciting conflict and character growth.
Happy writing!
12 July 2012
HUSH, HUSH at Comic Con
Becca's publisher, Simon & Schuster will be doing a preview panel at Comic Con tonight! The first 300 people will receive limited edition HUSH, HUSH t-shirts! They are the awesome ones that were given away at BEA. If you are there, be sure to stop by!
Here are some of the details
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Becca (with the angel models) in her limited edition HUSH, HUSH shirt at BEA |
Simon and Schuster, Thursday, 7/12/12, 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m., Room: 9:The Scoop at Simon & Schuster! — Get the inside word on Simon & Schuster’s upcoming books and the chance to win exclusive prizes! Lucille Rettino (Director of Marketing), Carolyn Swerdloff (Marketing Manager), Chrissy Noh (Senior Marketing Manager), Liesa Abrams (Associate Marketing Manager) and Anna McKean (Publicity Manager) give you the scoop on upcoming books from exciting authors, including Cassandra Clare, Tonya Hurley, Tony DiTerlizzi, Orson Scott Card and Brandon Mull. Hear what is going on with S&S’s hot properties — Star Trek and The Smurfs — and get a chance to win exclusive giveaways. All attendees will receive a limited edition T-shirt for Becca Fitzpatrick’s Hush, Hush saga.
11 July 2012
reader question. This one from @HeffronRusher: What's your
favorite thing about writing? What keeps you inspired?
These are good questions. And they
have tricky answers—tricky, because they are always changing. But,
in general, I would say my favorite thing about writing is creating
the first draft of a story. When I'm writing the initial draft, I
don't worry if the plot has holes. I don't worry if I properly show
my characters' motivations. I don't worry if readers won't like my
characters' flaws, and judge them harshly because of those flaws. I
just...write. It's a lot of fun, and it's stress-free. During this
phase, I do a lot of giggling, groaning, squealing, and dancing in my
chair. I don't think about revisions. I simply...go to town.
As for what keeps me inspired? Life.
Going out into the world and doing stuff. Lots of different stuff.
Trying new things, even when they scare me. Hanging out with people
I adore. Listening to smart, witty and engaging speakers. Going to
a concert and listening to really good music. Playing made-up games
with my kids at the park. Going to a restaurant and ordering
appetizers, a main dish, and dessert. And eating it all.
Eavesdropping on conversations. Reading a book that makes me laugh.
That makes me cry. That makes me think, “Man, I wish I'd written
that.” Going to an amusement park and searching out the scariest
ride. Running. Hiking. Swimming. Making banana spits. Watching
the perfect movie. (Ahem, Romancing the Stone.)
Being alive inspires me. I steal from
my personal life all the time, and put that content into my books. I
steal from my friends' lives. I people-watch. I try to sponge up
everything I can.
It's pretty darn inspiring.
10 July 2012
The other day on Twitter, @lilyalbert asked me this question: Just wondering if you've ever had a bad review and if so, how you dealt with it?
Here's my answer.
At some point during this past year I read an article (I think it was an article, it might have been a blog post—I don't remember) saying that all authors read reviews of their books, even if they claim they don't. I smiled and thought, Actually, I don't read reviews of my books. At least, I don't anymore.
When Hush, Hush first came out, I was wildly curious about what people were saying about my debut novel. It was such an exciting time for me. The book I'd been working on for six years was finally being published. I checked online retailers and book blogs for reviews. I Googled my book's title. I wanted readers to love the book as much as I did. As might be expected, some people loved it. Some people thought it was okay. And some people hated it. There were so many varying opinions about Hush, Hush, it was hard to know who was right. The people who loved it—were they right? The people who hated it—were they right? It took me a long time to realize it doesn't matter who is right. Our opinions aren't valuable because they're right—they're valuable because they're ours.
I read a handful of reviews for Crescendo, my second book. I don't recall reading any reviews for Silence. And I don't plan on reading reviews for Finale. If I'm going to judge my self-worth and my writing based on what other people are saying about me and my books, I'm never going to be happy. I'm never going to be satisfied. I'm going to be too busy worrying about others' opinions to do what I should be doing—which is trying to become a better human being. And trying to write better books.
I'm worried some people are going to read this and misinterpret my words. I'm worried some people are going to think I'm saying I don't care about reviews. That's not the case. Not at all. I love knowing people are out there reading and reviewing my books. I encourage readers to review books and share their opinions and insights. I'm grateful when they do. Because, as a reader, I rely on friends' recommendations. I rely on book-talk. I like knowing what people are saying about a story I'm contemplating reading. It helps me make decisions about what to read. It does me a great deal of good to read book reviews—just not for my own books.
The short answer to @lilyalbert's question is that I don't deal with negative reviews. When I'm writing, they aren't part of the equation. I write the best books I can, and while they aren't perfect, they're mine. They are my contribution. Writing makes me happy. I get so much joy from creating stories and sharing them with you.
That is what I focus on when I write.
Here's my answer.
At some point during this past year I read an article (I think it was an article, it might have been a blog post—I don't remember) saying that all authors read reviews of their books, even if they claim they don't. I smiled and thought, Actually, I don't read reviews of my books. At least, I don't anymore.
When Hush, Hush first came out, I was wildly curious about what people were saying about my debut novel. It was such an exciting time for me. The book I'd been working on for six years was finally being published. I checked online retailers and book blogs for reviews. I Googled my book's title. I wanted readers to love the book as much as I did. As might be expected, some people loved it. Some people thought it was okay. And some people hated it. There were so many varying opinions about Hush, Hush, it was hard to know who was right. The people who loved it—were they right? The people who hated it—were they right? It took me a long time to realize it doesn't matter who is right. Our opinions aren't valuable because they're right—they're valuable because they're ours.
I read a handful of reviews for Crescendo, my second book. I don't recall reading any reviews for Silence. And I don't plan on reading reviews for Finale. If I'm going to judge my self-worth and my writing based on what other people are saying about me and my books, I'm never going to be happy. I'm never going to be satisfied. I'm going to be too busy worrying about others' opinions to do what I should be doing—which is trying to become a better human being. And trying to write better books.
I'm worried some people are going to read this and misinterpret my words. I'm worried some people are going to think I'm saying I don't care about reviews. That's not the case. Not at all. I love knowing people are out there reading and reviewing my books. I encourage readers to review books and share their opinions and insights. I'm grateful when they do. Because, as a reader, I rely on friends' recommendations. I rely on book-talk. I like knowing what people are saying about a story I'm contemplating reading. It helps me make decisions about what to read. It does me a great deal of good to read book reviews—just not for my own books.
The short answer to @lilyalbert's question is that I don't deal with negative reviews. When I'm writing, they aren't part of the equation. I write the best books I can, and while they aren't perfect, they're mine. They are my contribution. Writing makes me happy. I get so much joy from creating stories and sharing them with you.
That is what I focus on when I write.
08 July 2012
Team Patch
Hey everyone -
It's that time of year - the YA Sisterhood's Crush Tourney is happening now! As I mentioned a few entries ago, Patch was nominated as one of YA lit's hottest crushes. I'm super honored! I'm also super grateful to Jen at Jenuine Cupcakes who has volunteered to be Patch's advocate. She's doing a fantastic job of spreading the #TeamPatch love, and I'd highly recommend keeping tabs on her blog if you want the latest #TeamPatch news during the tourney. She's also created a couple fun buttons to show your support for Patch. Grab 'em and get ready for his first match on Wednesday!

It's that time of year - the YA Sisterhood's Crush Tourney is happening now! As I mentioned a few entries ago, Patch was nominated as one of YA lit's hottest crushes. I'm super honored! I'm also super grateful to Jen at Jenuine Cupcakes who has volunteered to be Patch's advocate. She's doing a fantastic job of spreading the #TeamPatch love, and I'd highly recommend keeping tabs on her blog if you want the latest #TeamPatch news during the tourney. She's also created a couple fun buttons to show your support for Patch. Grab 'em and get ready for his first match on Wednesday!

Old Town Book Fair
First off, thanks to everyone who came out yesterday and helped make the inaugural Old Town Book Fair a big success! I had a wonderful time on the panel answering questions, reuniting with old writer friends, and making new friends. I genuinely appreciate good writer friends - in a business filled with ups and downs it is always nice to feel a sense of solidarity. Speaking of writer friends, here is a picture of Laura Resau and me. I met Laura for the first time a couple of years ago at the Colorado Teen Lit Conference. Laura must be one of the best human beings I know. She's smart, well spoken, thoughtful and has a huge heart. I always enjoy listening to her words of wisdom when it comes to writing. I enjoyed her book, THE RUBY NOTEBOOK so much, and seeing her yesterday reminded me I should give myself a treat and pick up another one of her books.
And another pic with Amy Kathleen Ryan and Brenna Yovanoff. We are standing in front of the yurt, a.k.a. the Toaster. That rosy color in my cheeks is not a sunburn, rather the early stages of heat stroke! I can now officially say I have done an event inside a yurt. Bragging rights!
Finally, a few more event pics. Thanks go to the event organizers - hopefully we get to do this again next year!
And another pic with Amy Kathleen Ryan and Brenna Yovanoff. We are standing in front of the yurt, a.k.a. the Toaster. That rosy color in my cheeks is not a sunburn, rather the early stages of heat stroke! I can now officially say I have done an event inside a yurt. Bragging rights!
Finally, a few more event pics. Thanks go to the event organizers - hopefully we get to do this again next year!
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